Friday, January 15, 2010
And everything almost seemed normal
hi guys! its been awhile. lots of things happened. but really nth much to talk abt. so lets start frm like a week ago. went to church aft meeting up wit weitat. which is basically this  i know i know my face looks weird lol. ok so aft tht went to play lan with the churchie grp and yeap thts abt it. on sunday i went tohave lunch with kee teck and aloy aft service. joseph didnt show. haha. well one thing happened tht day tht really pissed me. my bro got an iphone!!  im super jealous lol. but whatevs. i don need one. i have a perfectly good phone with me. school started on monday. was uber happy. got to see all my friends. even some ppl who retained. gave a final hug to dian. have a feeling wont be seeing her for a long time... the rest of the week was nth spectacular. except for a rugby match on friday. it was fun and helped me learn alot. im glad i got to play for most of the game. now i'm off to see weitat. lol. so stay awesome! love, Joel
8:42 PM
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
20 Thousand Dollar Hugs And Kisses ALRIGHT!!! so today i'm absolutely ecstatic. why? cause wei tat is on bail. and i dont need to wait like 2 years to take a pic with him. but anyway lets start wit yest. and YES! this time i have photos =)so yest on 050110, i went with gary to shop for slippers. NUM had some promotion. so this is wht i got for my bro.
    Nice right? heres mine......    even better, no? well we went to the NUM at city hall and i met super duper alot of ppl. i met asyraf and audi. who chased me to come back fr rugby. then i met peyton and a girl who i suspect is from MI. nt sure. totally LOL moment here infront of my com. aft tht bumped into some guy who was invited to church i think. im not sure but he said hi so i was like. hey hi *big empty smile* aft tht lifeless me went home. Wed, 060110(novel style)woke up v early this morning. at 6. good lord. i barely noticed my dad and mom talking to me. but oh well cudnt have meant much. got into the shower and had a nice bath =)
met trisha at 7.45 i was late. it was supposed to be at 7.30, totally shagged we squezzed in a train to chinatown frm amk. at court at 8.30, met weitat's parents and grandparents, went to buy a shirt for him and then went in to court.
first time i saw weitat in 2 weeks. he seems off colour and v tired. i worry. i look to my right to check tht trisha is still ok. i look left and xinyi. tricia(nt the same as trisha) and shingying catch my eye. why they nvr called trisha even though requested, i nvr know.
i felt my heart sink. i thought those were good ppl. now im not so sure. but i dare not let myself play politics. i learned my lesson well from the past. alcus comes and sits beside me. i have a feeling im prolly nt really part of amk. since they didn call me for weitat's court. i dont mind much. when weitat goes in i will prolly be totally MIA in amk.
i wait patiently for weitat's turn. time seems to slow. aft a good hour or so, it was weitat's turn. judge says SAMSON 15thousand bail. SEOW WEI TAT, 20 thousand. i'm stunned, but yet v happy tht they decide to extend bail.
we wait patiently outside the room to pay for bail. it seemed to take forever. me and the weitat fans one corner, the rest another, i feel as if its not right to not talk to them so i go ahead. i walk ovr to them. it turns out they think wei tat or maybe trisha is a shooter. i tell them no way in hell. then we continue talking as if nth happened. weitat comes out aft ah seng, every1 leaves except me trisha and his parents and grandparents aft ah seng comes out. talk abt bastard. they go for an embrace and trisha cries. weitat's mom invites us to his house and we watched a movie. just talking to him makes me feel he is changed. perhaps he really has. and thts great. noone wants to see his brother go to jail. when its all over, i go home and rest. and i think abt the day and i smile to myself.~~ ~~here's a pic i snapped. he threw a fit when he saw it. but i liked it. shows his innocent side....  see.... yea i know i looked cropped but its not. so yea. did u like it in novel style? i hope u did. but the mood is really too right b4 i go im gonna kick start a new column im gonna do whenever i post. its called. LIE OF THE DAY!!! ~~Today's Lie~~Oh no aunty, i dont know those guys, but i have seen them b4. they are weitat's friends. yea i don really like mixing with them..... (we were talking abt the amk ppl who were next to us. who i totally knew all their names except one o.o and yes we all talked b4)
so anyway till next time, yes its back =) stay awesome=)
love, Joel
P.S. first blog post with pictures!
5:08 AM
Monday, January 4, 2010
And We All Hoped
oh gosh! Joel! two days in a row? wow amazing. well yea i know it is. so lemme give u and update. went out with trisha yest.
we went cosmo cafe for reasons unknown to me. went to popular to get some stuff. then aft tht met wayne and shi en. nice ppl =)
i know i promised for pics but sorry ok? i totally forgot. i will take some today.
so wht did we do with wayne and shi en? lan. im pretty bad at l4D2 so bad tht trisha whooped me. except for second map =) i got top. and im totally estatic bout tht.
so i know we all hate some ppl. but why cant we get along? o well its none of my business nod agree and smile. nod agree and smile. tht will get u far in life.
*random thought* whts weitat doing right now? hmmm shud be lunch in lock up. tmrw is his court. cant wait cause i'll be able to see his butt ugly face. its been awhile and im worried. but nothings gonna bring me down. im gonna stay happ *one of the resolutions*
i have this v strong urge to take care of trisha. v strong. kinda younger sis thing. i need to protect her till weitat is free. then i'll ask him wht to do.
joel the superhero =) well if im gonna be a hero i wud be more punisher or the comedian rather then superman or shit. i'll be wailing on those asses who piss me off. oh well. like i said more pics comin soon. i promise
till then, love when loved, fight when fought with and forgive when forgiven
love, (nt exactly your friendly neighbourhood ast badboy) Joel =)
9:28 PM
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Its Been Forever
so i would like to start of by saying happy new year every1! its been awhile and the holidays flew by in the blink of an eye. many a thing happened in the last couple of months and it blows my mind how diff i came out of the new year. This is not GP so i will have no structure to this post! LOL RANDOM!! so how many of you have new year resolutions? well right now for me i have none =) but let's think abt mine tgt ok? first resolution: ok they say love comes first so number one wud be: DON'T FALL IN LOVE!!!!! at least this year =) now i know i'm using alot of =) so i'll try to stop =) for second resolution im thinking of smthn church related. yes i go to church =.= second resolution: i will make it a point to go church every week. if impossible to make it, i will go twice in one week to make up for absence. so church interesting story bout tht. its the reason why im totally happy and the happy feeling hasnt faded in a month or so. hmmm tht can be the third one! third resolution: stay happy. it seems easy enough now. but i have a feeling its gonna b tough a lil l8r on. is 3 resolutions enough? doubt so. i think 5 is just right. oh wait i guess more pictures is a good one. my blog is borin as hell =( but im not here to entertain you =) fourth resolution: more pics on blog! so i got only one more to go. i guess its got to be one more thing fifth resolution: keep doing wht i do best. slacking off in school lay back relax and watch the world go by so altogether: - don't fall in love
- go church every week
- stay happy
- more pics on blog
- dont totally change wht i was doing last year
so i guess thts my post for the new year. i promise to blog more. till then love, joel
4:59 PM
Saturday, November 21, 2009
well. i would blog abt our class chalet but beenting seems to have a really detailed one abt their days and nights. just that instead of cycling i just slaked. lazy i know. it was fun. lots of laughter, a lil bit of tears and bucket loads of puke. this is a real class chalet my friend. not the crap we have in sec sch. i realised there was no1 to call when i was drunk. cudnt care less. didn cry at all this time. i'm getting bttr now. feelings and emotions are a blur bck to wht i used to be. perhaps this is wht i needed. aft tht was rest then ktv wit weitat & gang. just tonnes of stuffs. love, Joel
4:38 PM
Thursday, November 12, 2009
GUESS WHAT!!!! I totally have no social life anymore. stuck at home today staring at the wall. well not really. i had my friend, the tv. everyone seems to be stuck in their thing nowadays. kinda like sec sch now. but like whatevs man, at least this time its abit diff. for reason not many ppl know.
I'm trying my hand at writing a song. the lyrics is what im doing. tht is the easy part. melody is gonna be super tough and the best part is i cant do it i need a friend to do it for me. thot of asking keet or some of my bro's frens haiz, so much work. oh well im gunning merely for the sense of accomplishment. i'll put down a preview of the lyrics i wrote. trust me, with the tune its much nicer.
rugby match tmrw against some secondary sch students. gotta miss laser quest cos of tht. oh well just go la. it will prolly be a nice experience.
everything i worked towards is going down the drain. my control of my mouth, my temper, my ability to be a good listener and my smoking. all of its going down. alot to work on this holiday. but im gonna be a diff joel nxt year, just u wait and see.
i heard certain people are having problems. i wish i could help but alas, i cant it wud be too weird. maybe i shud wear a mask and a cape..... nah..... no1 in their right mind wud wanna see me in my underwear. haha. i bet u wont know who u r. but if u do. im here for you.
so take care guys. lemme just show u my song. if u wanna, just leave a tag. i'll get back to u.
Irrelevant Memories Of You (not being there)
heartbroken So-heartbroken thats what youuu have left me heartbroken so-heartbroken turn around and just look, look at me
Four months, how it feels so long i wake up each morning and realise you're gone
each second, ticks so slow Time is horrible to me, you should already know
Gimme a reason, or gimme a sign Show me whats on your mind tell me how, i should feel because this night mare is getting more real. (x2)
yours sincerely, Joel
p.s. nothing at all
3:12 AM
Saturday, October 24, 2009
heres to an all new show. today went out with wei tat, trisha and shu hui. haha. got some funny getai sht. they all go yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam SENG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. then suddenly weitat decided to shout ANGSOONTONG. then obviously i shout HUAT AH! so funny shouting in the coffeeshop full of ppl. in the long period tht i did not post, i pretty much played left 4 dead with the three ppl i mentioned abv. LOOK OUT ITS A TANK! no its joel!!!!!!!! (save us pls) so yea im back with a brand new attack. hitting u with a new style, just for awhile. so guys, thnks for reading and don ever change cos u guys are perfect the way u r love, Joel the joke P.S. i love you NOT
10:36 AM