so yest on 050110, i went with gary to shop for slippers. NUM had some promotion. so this is wht i got for my bro.

Nice right? heres mine......

even better, no?
well we went to the NUM at city hall and i met super duper alot of ppl. i met asyraf and audi. who chased me to come back fr rugby. then i met peyton and a girl who i suspect is from MI. nt sure. totally LOL moment here infront of my com. aft tht bumped into some guy who was invited to church i think. im not sure but he said hi so i was like. hey hi *big empty smile*
aft tht lifeless me went home.
Wed, 060110(novel style)woke up v early this morning. at 6. good lord. i barely noticed my dad and mom talking to me. but oh well cudnt have meant much. got into the shower and had a nice bath =)
met trisha at 7.45 i was late. it was supposed to be at 7.30, totally shagged we squezzed in a train to chinatown frm amk. at court at 8.30, met weitat's parents and grandparents, went to buy a shirt for him and then went in to court.
first time i saw weitat in 2 weeks. he seems off colour and v tired. i worry. i look to my right to check tht trisha is still ok. i look left and xinyi. tricia(nt the same as trisha) and shingying catch my eye. why they nvr called trisha even though requested, i nvr know.
i felt my heart sink. i thought those were good ppl. now im not so sure. but i dare not let myself play politics. i learned my lesson well from the past. alcus comes and sits beside me. i have a feeling im prolly nt really part of amk. since they didn call me for weitat's court. i dont mind much. when weitat goes in i will prolly be totally MIA in amk.
i wait patiently for weitat's turn. time seems to slow. aft a good hour or so, it was weitat's turn. judge says SAMSON 15thousand bail. SEOW WEI TAT, 20 thousand. i'm stunned, but yet v happy tht they decide to extend bail.
we wait patiently outside the room to pay for bail. it seemed to take forever. me and the weitat fans one corner, the rest another, i feel as if its not right to not talk to them so i go ahead. i walk ovr to them. it turns out they think wei tat or maybe trisha is a shooter. i tell them no way in hell. then we continue talking as if nth happened.
weitat comes out aft ah seng, every1 leaves except me trisha and his parents and grandparents aft ah seng comes out. talk abt bastard. they go for an embrace and trisha cries.
weitat's mom invites us to his house and we watched a movie. just talking to him makes me feel he is changed. perhaps he really has. and thts great. noone wants to see his brother go to jail.
when its all over, i go home and rest. and i think abt the day and i smile to myself.~~
~~here's a pic i snapped. he threw a fit when he saw it. but i liked it. shows his innocent side....

see.... yea i know i looked cropped but its not.
so yea. did u like it in novel style? i hope u did. but the mood is really too right b4 i go im gonna kick start a new column im gonna do whenever i post. its called. LIE OF THE DAY!!!
~~Today's Lie~~Oh no aunty, i dont know those guys, but i have seen them b4. they are weitat's friends. yea i don really like mixing with them..... (we were talking abt the amk ppl who were next to us. who i totally knew all their names except one o.o and yes we all talked b4)
so anyway till next time, yes its back =) stay awesome=)
P.S. first blog post with pictures!